our house is on fire, and we'll turn it upside down.

of course we weren't alone.

ran into my two friends outside your room.

they drew on the board; i sat on your desk while we stared at eachother.

you got up, went to the desk i was sitting on and took out your band's new cd, which you've been keeping to yourselves. told me to have it, stuttered and paused and asked me to tell you what i think sometime.

we fought over your fashion sense or lack thereof.

we got told there was a tornado warning, so we all left.

they went one way and we went another.

there were people outside. there were people in the parking lot. we just kept staring at eachother. the walk to our cars was a slap in the face.

the kind of slap that says, "this will never happen, even if you both want it."

Before and After

Index - Older - Profile - Notes - Diaryland

[I believe in a thing called love]