i don't mean well.

i appreciate you for your sense of humor, your obsessive compulsive disorder. i mean really, when i drop my phone and key on your desk you have to put them in their place. ...cue smile, they have a place. i like when i'm mixed into your routine, mr. ocd. i appreciate your body and your hands and your lips because we know each other, outside. i know every inch of you and you me and that's how it should be. we should drown in each other and we do and i'm thankful, even when i'm mad. even when i'm not thinking about it, something in me understands that you're giving me an opportunity to have what i really want, and that is familiarity. our bodies belong together, i can feel it. it's okay. whatever is or isn't here, whatever this will turn into or how it will end, it's okay. we've done good.
Before and After

Index - Older - Profile - Notes - Diaryland

[I believe in a thing called love]