sweet child of mine?

honestly, i'm too lazy to drive to your house. your job, maybe. it's closer. but gas prices are ridiculous and i my friend am tired.

i'm busy. i work. i have many friends, and i like going for solitary drives, without a destination. but you don't want me to visit you at work, or go out for lunch, because you want to really spend time with me, and have me on your furniture and talk and laugh and have great sex.

there was a time where i'd go through hell and high water to try and help some guy who maybe needs something good in his life. but now, i just think you're too old for this. you need to grow up, because i'm not anything so good that you'll die without me.

you have a college degree. you pay your bills, you feed your cat. i think you can manage to enjoy life without me there to remind you how.

so go dance on your own. you shouldn't need me to tell you that life is beautiful, because you're old enough to see it for yourself.

Before and After

Index - Older - Profile - Notes - Diaryland

[I believe in a thing called love]