i want you, just exactly like i used to. cause baby, this is only bringing me down.

you were back for a week before i saw you, somehow.

i am at a party in the castle. suddenly i realize my ID is missing. i go back to the dance area by myself to look for it. it is not there. i come back out, and you are walking in my general direction. we look at each other and you get that smile that scares me, the one where you're genuinely happy to see me.

you pull me over to you and hug me. we end up just standing there, my arms around your neck and your arms around my waist. we pull apart a little and are standing forehead to forehead. we are far too close, so i ask, "how was DR?" and you move so that you're just whispering in my ear. you say, "fantastic." and ask how i am. into your ear i say, "good.." and you bury your face in my hair. i pull you closer and you start kissing my neck. when you stop i pull away enough so that i can see your face and i say, "so...how's life?" you laugh and say good. in the midst of some small talk i can't even remember, you start moving in to kiss me. i don't move in either direction, and we continue talking while you keep your lips about an inch away from mine. and then that tilted smirk, the smirk of all smirks, my favorite slowly makes its way to your face. you straighten up. i pull away and we are both smirking. we start to walk in opposite directions while still looking at each other and holding hands. we are standing there delaying the letting go process and smirking like a couple of assholes which very well may be the case. i let go of your hand and give you a little push away from me, smile and say, "see you later." and you just smile and watch me walk away.

Before and After

Index - Older - Profile - Notes - Diaryland

[I believe in a thing called love]