This house is falling apart.

I want to read beautiful things again.

Currently, I have exactly six people on my buddy list who update on a fairly regular basis. Six. Out of Twenty-three. And I get genuinely disappointed when I sign in and none of the six have updated.

That feeling when you�re reading these things that are happening to other people in other parts of the world and you�re thinking, �Yes, yes, yes. I feel that too.� It�s such a wonderful feeling, and it always makes me feel less crazy.

When I was most active on this site, and, it seems, when this site was more active (so many dead diaries hanging around�.was there some kind of exodus in 2008?), I could hardly keep up with all the new entries. I read beautiful things every day, multiple times per day. I talked to people all the time.

And it was such a comfort, knowing that other people were like me.

Before and After

Index - Older - Profile - Notes - Diaryland

[I believe in a thing called love]